Every once in awhile the Lord meets in the most profound way.
Oh, it's in those moments I wish time would stand still!
Sometimes it's reading my bible, or seeing baby rabbits freely playing in my yard enjoying the coolness before the heat of the day comes. Perhaps it's a song on the radio or in a devotion I'm reading. Or one of those mind-blowing, gorgeous Arizona sunsets with colors that only God could create! I've talked to many of you, so I know I can't be crazy. Perhaps for you it's walking through Walmart or maybe it's ironing or folding that same shirt for the 4th time this week.
Confession, I often have my best conversations with God in the shower. This is exactly what happened to me the other day. I'm showering talking to God like I always do, but that day God had something to tell me about a certain scripture. A scripture that I've heard and read so many times. Here's the scripture:
"For we (I) am God's creation,
created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared ahead of time
so that we (I) should walk in them."
Ephesians 2:10 HCSB
(paraphrase mine)
2014 has been an interesting year to say the least and to say it nicely. I've been wrestling about some things with God. Okay, if I'm honest I've mainly been wrestling with myself.....anyone....anyone? Sorry, back to my conversation with God and Ephesians 2:10.
I am created by God in Christ Jesus, yep I believe that with every fiber of my being. For good works, which God prepared ahead of time, so that I should walk in them. For us(me) to walk in, did you catch that? What does that look like to me and perhaps you?
Since God created me, he knows that I am a simple person. First of all it says good works, somehow in my mind its become the lie that if its not great well then I don't need to bother. It simply plays out like this for me:
I take the first step honestly, that's quite often the scariest part.
- I stand up for what I know is right at the risk of others misunderstanding or judging my heart and intentions.
- I walk away from conversations that are not edifying.
- I put back that dress I've convinced myself I need even though I don't have the money for it.
- I persevere instead of quitting for the hundredth time.
- I stay in a marriage that sometimes for the life of me I can't remember when it became more about me than we.
- I love on my kids by telling and showing them how much I love them, but also remind them that God loves them even more.
- As a believer in Christ I should live my life not like I want, but to endeavor to be more like Christ today than I was yesterday or even 5 minutes ago because that's what I was created for.
This world is brutal no doubt. But I can find the beauty if only I'd allow God to walk me through it.