Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Ebb And Flow Of Holding On And Letting God

Yesterday I started reading 'What Happens When Women Walk In Faith' by Lysa TerKeurst.  I thought I had been doing that.

Today, looks like God has begun some revealing, possibly closing doors in order to open new ones, asking me to to trust Him, to seek him more in prayer.  What is going to happen when I walk in faith, trusting Him to reveal my next step?  The Ebb and Flow Of Holding On And Letting God

It's such a crazy thing, this journey called being a believer.  I was talking to a a dear friend about this very thing today.  Never once in God's word, not one time, does he ever say while I am are here on this earth, that I won't have trials, heartaches, that I won't have to be humbled and that life will be easy.  In fact it says that I will have all of the above and more.  Over and over: deaths that come to soon, sickness, marriages ending, families being destroyed, the loss of jobs, dreams shattered.

The Ebb and Flow Of Holding On And Letting God

But as a believer I do have God's promises that I can hold tightly to: there is only one God, His word is truth, God never changes, He will never leave me or forsake me.  His love, grace & mercy for me incomprehensible, He searches after me with an unending, reckless abandon.  He only wants the best for me, He wants me to dream wild and crazy dreams, just so He can make them a better reality than I could have ever imagined.  I've been on this amazing God journey before and it is a wild and crazy ride.  One that would put Six Flags to shame. But I know enough to not look back, to press on and trust in the One who holds it all in His hand.  I'm not giving up, just getting refocused, anticipating  Yes, those are the promises that I am choosing to hold on tightly.   

The Ebb and Flow Of Holding On And Letting God

To Him Be The Glory ~ Amen

1 comment:

  1. Celebrating on this new journey with you!
