Sunday, March 17, 2013

7 Experiment: Food - Week 1 In Review

Day 1)  What to eat, what not to eat?  My prayer continues to be that this experiment does not become legalistic.  I want my heart and mind be opened to the excess in my life and it has been.  Just today alone, I've found myself wandering into the kitchen opening the pantry, on the verge of mindlessly shoving a handful of something, anything into my mouth.

Day 2) My head is POUNDING!!  I'm guessing it's from going cold turkey on the coffee and sugar, but really only two days.  I had to go into Walmart to get some fruit for a fruit salad I was taking to a birthday dinner.  (Remember, I am saying "no" to sugary sweets)  OH MY GOODNESS!  It's Easter time which is just another way to tempt me with savory, sugary sweets.  They were EVERYWHERE, heaven help me I had to get out of there pronto!!  Explained the 7 premise to my friend, she didn't think I was crazy, in fact she was was very encouraging and said she was going to be doing her own experiment with food.

Day 3) Not too bad, the headache seems to have subsided ('THANK YOU, JESUS!).  I enjoyed great meeting at Starbucks with my friend, who was so sweet and bought me a black iced tea, no water, unsweetened, thank you very much.  She also didn't think I was out of my mind when I told about the 7 premise, gotta keep friends like that!!

Day 4) Not much to report, that can't be a bad thing.......thank you Jesus :)

Day 5)  Went to Costco and Sprouts...I found both to be dangerous places for me.  I went into Sprouts with the  sole purpose of finding bread and tortillas that had less than 5 ingredients in them.  And being a total newbie (and a bread lover) this proved to be a little more of a challenge than I anticipated.  I found the 2 items on my list and forced myself to walk past the yummy treats calling me from the bulk food aisles.   Next was Costco... Costco at lunchtime....not well thought out on my end.  I felt I was doing pretty well, staying focused trying not to inhale to deeply as I went by the samples.  I swear they were at the end of EVERY aisle today.  Stayed to my list was heading around the corner to check-out and what would make this

caramel loving

girl in her tracks and drool:

Trying to hold fast my resolve and kept repeating my standby Lord get me through this scripture - Philippians 4:13 "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me."  Mission accomplished, thank you JESUS!!!

Day 6)  What am I desiring the most to eat or drink?  The answer would be everything and yet nothing....Isn't that pathetic!!!  I don't know if it's denying myself so much as it is becoming more keenly aware of the EXCESSive amount of choices I am afforded everyday.  Stop and think about it for a few minutes, it is  insanity to I want my coffee hot or iced?  with or without and endless array of flavors, boosts and any assortment of goodness I can create.  How do I want my eggs....fried (easy, over easy, sunny-side up), scrambled, hard-boiled, poached?  And that my friends, is just in my own kitchen and it's not even 7:00 A.M.!!!

Day 7)  Not much to report today.......thank you Jesus :)

1 comment:

  1. You keep going Girl!!I remember when I quit smoking, umpteen years ago, and the first week was horrible, then the second week was even worse but I would count the hours until I could go to bed and not think about having a cigarette! That's kinda what I am doing now, counting the minutes until these stinkin urges to EAT EVERYTHING in sight goes away! Hang in there, girlfriend, you can do it- THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES YOU STRENGTH and friends who encourage, the way you encourage me. Love you :)
