Friday, April 26, 2013

Falalalala Friday

la         Friday

is just that, every Friday I'll be posting some of my 
fav's old and new. I pray you will enjoy them as much as I do!

Fix You ~ Coldplay

Saturday, April 20, 2013

30 Things: #7 Texting Faux Pas

I have to admit this whole 30 Things blog series has gotten WAY behind, but I am a firm 

believer in the fact that it does not matter where or how  you begin, it's finishing the 


I am guessing that most would agree that texting can be great,  although I know it comes 

with huge drawbacks as well.  For example, you can't hear the tone of my voice, and I can't 

see your reaction when you are only reading my written words.  And try as I may, I can only 

insert so many smiley faces, lol's and rofl's.  Does anyone else strongly dislike the auto-spell 

corrector on our cell phones?  Truth be known most of the time it is my own fingers doing 

the misspelling, can I get an amen!!

I just experienced this again today and thought I would share my recent texting faux pas......

I would love to read your own texting terror ooops I mean experiences.  LOL, :), ROFL, :(, 

??, SMH

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Falalalala Friday

la         Friday

is just that, every Friday I'll be posting some of my 
fav's old and new. I pray you will enjoy them as much as I do!

Matt Redman - 10,000 Reasons

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Prayer: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

In Jesus name I pray;

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, 
today and forever. ~ Hebrews 13:8

 Father, I need you
 more today than yesterday,
 but remind me 
not as much 
as I am going
 to need you 

Therefore let us, as many as are mature,
have this mind; and if in
anything you think otherwise,
God will reveal even this to you.
Philippians 3:15


Monday, April 15, 2013

30 Things: #6

The Bucket List

I love the movie "The Bucket List", with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.  It makes me laugh and cry as I relate (sometimes all to well) with each of the characters.  If you need some inspiration I suggest watching the movie or watch this clip from You-Tube:

A bucket list is just that, a list of things to do before you die, it comes from the term "kicked the bucket". When is the last time you looked at your own bucket list?  Or maybe you are like me and haven't even made a bucket list?  Sadly, I don't know what I've been waiting on, but I feel inspired to start one and today is as good as any. 

My Bucket List (Part 1):
  1. Visit British Columbia, Canada
  2. See an Alaskan Moose
  3. Visit every state in the United States
  4. See Niagara Falls
  5. Get my closet organized
  6. Indoor Skydive
  7. Go to Disney World
  8. Laugh more
  9. Read all the books on my Kindle
  10. Be braver today than I was yesterday
What about you?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

30 Things: #5

I was talking to my 18, soon to be 19, year old daughter the other day about finding a job.  As I was telling her about the various jobs I have held, I thought wouldn't it be a kick-in-the-pants to have this be a part of the 30 Things series!

Some experiences were worthwhile, others let's just say they were an experience.  I know I have held more than five jobs in my lifetime, but I am a simple girl so lets keep it at five.

1) A carhop at Sonic

2) Store clerk at Circle K

3) Office manager at an insurance office

4) Home engineer extraordinaire 

5)  Candle & Slushie Peddler

I can't wait to hear yours!!

Image Via:


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

30 Things: #4

What is your favorite/most unique pet and why?

I have always loved animals, well most of them anyway.  I still am not extremely fond of horses they are VERY LARGE and have VERY LARGE teeth!  Sorry all you horse lovin' gals, its just my perspective.

My favorite pet would have to be a dog.  Dogs are great because they are always glad to see you, they don't care if you are a mess.  Here is a picture of my favorite dog, Barney.  He was a Boston Terrier who had a heart of gold, I sure do miss him!!

We have had fun raising lots of different critters: fallow deer, pot-belly pigs, ducks, geese, miniature donkeys, miniature horses, wallabies, various birds.  Raising them was a lot of work but it was even more fun.  We had school groups and Girl Scout troops come by interacting with and learning about the different animals.  Here is a picture of a pet deer we had named Noah.  We bottle fed him from the time he was 2 days old when we realized his mom abandoned him. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

30 Things: #3

As I was pondering how to approach number three, pet peeves, in the 30 Things About Me series, I came to the realization that I could go on and on about things that peeve, uhmm, I mean concern me.  Some refer to these as pet peeves, what's up with the word, pet peeves anyway?  Here's what I found, Urban dictionary  defines peeves as: an irritating experience caused by others in which you cannot control.  Wiki Answers defines pet peeves as:  something that upsets your sensibilities to a higher degree than normal.  Maybe I'm being a bit rebellious, but I have decided that I don't really like the phrase pet peeves, it sounds angry to me, like I have a right to even be peeved about anything, events, people, place.

I have decided to go with the word, concern.  According to ARDictionaryconcern is defined as: to relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest of ; to be of importance to.  For example, when bubble gums loses it's flavor so quickly, that's a little more realistic to me.

Why Six, why not Five or Ten or more?  Since I don't want this post to become a rant, all I can say is whats wrong with Six?  

Things that Concern Me:
Top 6

  1. Saying mean things to each other, especially to children.
  2. Taking credit for something that you shouldn't be taking credit for.
  3. Anything or anyone that is all negative, all the time.  I don't think I need to give much explanation to that. 
  4. Cursing...if you have even the smallest grasp of a language there is no need for cursing.
  5. Going along with the status quo.
  6. Lack of commitment to follow through, don't stop trying.  Who knows something amazing could be waiting for you at the end!


Sunday, April 7, 2013

30 Things: #2

30 Things #2

What is your favorite time of day and why?

My favorite time of day is in the early morning.  It is so quiet and peaceful.  The craziness of what day will bring looms before me.  Just that small bit of time before I have looked at my cell phone, checked my emails, wasted time on Facebook and Pinterest.     

Friday, April 5, 2013

30 Things: #1

Have you ever played 21 questions?  

Earlier this year, I was perusing through the internet with all the focus and intention of a rabbit.  Aren't rabbits one of the cutest creatures God created?  I mean they are soft, they have big ears, they are fast and they have the cutest babies EVER!!  OOPS, did I just digress from the whole point of this post?   I could go on and on down this rabbit trail, a.k.a. that wonderful diversion, I mean invention, known as the world wide web.

Anywhoo, I came across this idea about posting some random facts about myself for the next 30 days {or close to that, I'll try my hardest}.  And since my birthday is May 6th I figured what better time to start than today.  That and the fact that I keep getting a reminder to write this post.  Does that ever happen to you?

I've have always had trouble talking about myself, let alone writing a blog post about myself.  Would anyone read it?  What if no one ever responds with a comment?  The whole idea seems overwhelming, but that is exactly the reason I must do this.  God has given me a mission to: 1) Be obedient to His calling and 2) Get outside of my 'pond' this year and believe me I am getting outside my pond and it's only April!

As you get to know more about this crazy, Jesus loving girl,  I think it would be great fun to learn more about you as well!! 

1.  List 5 of your all-time favorite movies:

  • The Burbs
  • To Kill A Mockingbird
  • Christmas Vacation
  • The Notebook (don't judge me)
  • The Jungle Book


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

You're Never Too Old



to old to set another goal or


another dream."

C.S. Lewis