Wednesday, January 2, 2013


It's is January of 2013, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that concept.  A friend of mine and I were contemplating this on New Years Eve.  I remember I had a new teacher  in 5th grade, her name was Ms. Marsh.  She was young, beautiful and oh so full of life, something I had never experienced with my other (older) teachers.   Ms. Marsh  had given us a math challenge: figure out how old we would be in the year 2000.  2000????  I couldn't even wrap my 5th grade mind around that, let alone the answer to the question, in 2000 I would be....35 (gasp), my head was spinning!!!

I recently began Ecclesiastes in my daily reading.  I love the book of Ecclesiastes and I am almost certain it wasn't by mistake I'm reading it in January.  Ecclesiastes 7:8, 13 says, "Finishing is better than starting.  Patience is better than pride.  Accept the way God does things, for who can straighten what he has made crooked."

What a great verses for the new year!  Did I finish 2012 better that I began 2012 or maybe I should ask myself if I accepted what God made crooked?  Finishing is better than starting....But there I go again, getting way ahead of myself and God.  Trying to figure out what is going to be in the year 2013.  But God in his infinite wisdom only promises me today.  Lord, help me focus on today and your plans for me: today.  Not my plans or man's agenda.  Let me seek you first, not comparing my walk with what I perceive others walks to be.  One finish at a time, in God's time.

Patience is better than pride......Lord you know patience is not one of my strongest virtues.  Sometimes I try and fool myself into believing if I don't verbally have a hissy fit then I am being patient.  But on the inside I'm a raging, uncontrollable two-year old who just wants her way.  For years, my husband and kids have paid an exacting price for my impatience, that self-controlling need for everything to go according to my desire.  That ugly, deep dark thing that desires to consume me and everyone and everything that gets in the pride.  Oh, can anyone else relate??

Accept the way God does things, for who can straighten what he has made crooked.....this is not to say I don't participate in this journey after all I'm here in this place at this moment.  But I do have a choice of how I participate.  Oh how quickly I can look inward, and feel defeated trying to fix, manipulate even avoid the very crooked thing God wants me walk through with him.

My prayer:  In Jesus name I pray, I can't do one moment with you Lord, let each finish be far better than its beginning. Fill me with your patience and empty me of my pride.  Show me Lord, there is joy on these paths you have made crooked.  Amen