Saturday, January 26, 2013

6 X 6 Challenge

Last night at our church's leadership meeting our pastor challenged us to participate in a 6 X 6 challenge.  Pastor Jeff has declared we are a a hospital ship the S.S. Epic, specifically in 2013 we are a 'Church On A Mission'    The concept is simple and it is based off of Bill Hybels speech the 6 X 6 Rule at the 2012 Global Leadership Summit.

Bill Hybel says that I should focus on the 6 most important things for the next 6 weeks.  Why 6 weeks?  Because realistically, I may not be able to sprint for 6 months but I can sprint for 6 weeks.  I can focus on certain things in life that are priorities for me for 6 weeks, and make a conscious effort to fully commit and do something to make those 6 things happen.  I may not be able to change the world, but I can make an impact on specific areas God has opened for me.

Here are my 6 things, they may change or morph into something totally different as I seek the Lord's guidance.  Remember, these are big ideas, and as I seek the Lord they will be broken down into more manageable tasks that I can focus on for 6 weeks.

My 6 X 6 Challenge
1)  Be more intentional in praying for my husband and children.  Spiritually, physically & mentally.  

2)  Don't take a single moment for granted.  Don't shy away from challenges but embrace them as God   opportunities.

3)  Clean-up and commit to edifying personal and spiritual habits.
  • Setting aside the next 6 Thursdays for fasting and prayer.  Intentionally seeking God's power, passion and purpose.  Specifically for myself (yes, it's okay to pray for things for yourself), my husband, my family, my church and my ministries.
  • Incorporate exercise 4 days a week.
  • Cut-back on unnecessary processed foods.
  • Track calorie intake.
  • Wake-up earlier to begin my day with God.
  • Actively acknowledge and acknowledge Him throughout my entire day.

4)  RE-COMMITMENT PRIORITY:  Meet one-on-one with women on the mentoring team.

5)  Pray consistently for the people directly involved in my ministries.  Seeking God to open the doors for His plan to expand the women's mentoring ministry and women's ministry.  Bringing even more faithful women mentors and women desiring to grow in their relationship with God.

6)  Embrace the roles I have been blessed to receive, covering those in prayer and giving them my undivided attention.  In other words, I shouldn't be coveting and wandering around in someone else's role or ministry.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you are obidient to Christ and can meet a challenge! You inspire me to continue to make challenges, even though I keep failing - one day I will succeed :)
